英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 15:23:43

hear from

英 [hiə frɔm]

美 [hɪr frʌm]

收到…的来信; 从…听到; 受到(某人)责骂[警告]

  • 网络解释

1. hear from的反义词

1. 接到...的信:head up 在...上加盖子 | hear from 接到...的信 | hear of 听到,听说

2. hear from的反义词

2. 收到......来信:die from因...而死 | hear from收到...来信 | learn from向...学习

3. hear from什么意思

3. 收到......的来信:hear of 听说,知道 | hear from 收到. . . 的来信 | help oneself to 请随便吃点

4. 收......的来信:detail n.细节;详情 | look forward to 渴望 | hear from 收......的来信

  • 情景对话


A:We’ll call you.

B:Ok, should I expect to hear from you by (next Friday/ the end of the week/ the 15th)?

International Trade-Shipping-(国际贸易-运输)

A:Hello, I’m calling from San Francisco for Kevin Lee.

hear from

B:This is Kevin Lee speaking.

A:Hi. This is Helen Parker calling.

B:Good morning, Helen. What can I do for you?
早安, 海伦。有什么我能效劳的吗?

A:I'm calling to find out how you would like your order of speakers, by air or by sea?

B:We need part of that order by next week, so we would like to do a partial air shipment.

A:How much of it do you want shipped by air?

B:We'd like to ship half the order by air and the rest by sea.

A:OK. Do you want us to use our freight forwarding agent?

B:Actually, we've got a freight forwarder over there-China Consolidated. I'll fax you their contact information.

hear from是什么意思

A:All right. We can deliver that half to your agent tomorrow morning.

B:That would be great.

hear from什么意思

A:I'm not sure what the shipping schedule will be for the sea freight.

B:No hurry. We're not in a big rush for the second half of the order.

hear from在线翻译

A:All right. I'll let you know the shipping details later and I'll send you the shipping documents by DHL as soon as I get them.
好的。我稍后再通知你送货细节,我一拿到出货文件就马上用DHL 快递给你。

B:Very good. We'll be expecting to hear from you. And thanks for calling.

When they did not hear from her, they feared the worst.(他们听不到她的消息时,唯恐发生了最坏的事。)
I never thought I'd ever hear from you again.(我从没想到还会再收到你的消息。)
We want to hear from him and from other partners in the region what would be useful to help them.(我们希望从他和该地区其他伙伴那里听到对帮助他们有用的信息。)
Now I want to hear from you.(我现在想听你们说。)
I expect to hear from you as soon as possible.(我期待着能尽快得到您的消息。)
My guess is that we won't hear from him again.(我想我们再不会收到他的消息了。)
It's a refrain you often hear from employers.(这种话你常常能从老板的口中听到。)
They were the last words she was to hear from him for a long time.(这是很长一段时间里她听到他说的最后一句话。)
I hope to hear from you as soon as possible.(我希望能尽快听到你的消息。)
If they are, they'll hear from their coach.(如果是的话,他们会收到教练的来信。)
hear from是什么意思 hear from在线翻译 hear from什么意思 hear from的意思 hear from的翻译 hear from的解释 hear from的发音 hear from的同义词